Chilf Mária
Munkák Önéletrajz Kiállítások Katalógus Kapcsolat
hun eng 
DIARY 1997 - 1999< back
Diary      pencil, watercolour    I   Paper   I    52 x 74 cm
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Series of watercolour paintings arranged as an installation: watercolours, pencil, felt-tipped pen, black ink, paper, refrigerator, rag-rug, word-magnets, photos painted on 18 sheets of 52 x 72 cm paper, in a space arranged as an installation. As a "visual diary", the 10 x 10 cm squares on 18 sheets of 52 x 72 cm paper capture the experiences, events and impressions of each day in the life of the artist. Five weeks, or 35 days, are presented on one sheet. Exhibited: 2001 in two rooms of the Studio Gallery in Budapest, the 18 sheets were presented like wallpaper in two sections connected by a 40-m long, colourful rag-rug. In the third part of the exhibition space, a refrigerator stood, decorated with photos of friends that are fixed on its door and sides with word-magnets.
The watercolour paintings were presented in 2009 in the exhibition, Tandem, at Miskolc Gallery.


